Asteroid Zoo Talk

About known objects in Asteroid Zoo images

  • sraden by sraden

    Known objects are confirmed asteroids from the Minor Planet Center. Some of these are are quite possible for you to see when classifying on Asteroid Zoo. After you are done classifying a set of images, the objects are circled in green on the summary page. The name of the object is also listed under the heading Subject Summary. If you’ve detected one, we also give you feedback on the same page that you are on the right track. However, some of the known objects are unlikely to be seen by you due to such factors as size, speed, atmospheric or other distortions in the images. These are not circled or messaged to you after you classify.

    #nogreencircle #incorrect_result #known #knownasteroid


  • Devilstower by Devilstower

    So is the idea that, once the "circled" message on these possibly-not-visibles is removed, we'll see no message at all, or will there be another message along the lines of "the image set you just examined covers the path of one or more known objects, which may have not be visible to you"?


  • sraden by sraden

    You should see know message at all.


  • tavianne by tavianne

    If we've missed a known asteroid, as messaged to us on the summary page, how do we go back to the set to get a better look at what we missed?


  • swbell by swbell

    I agree about being able to revisit the screen. The summary page does not show enough detail for you to work out why you missed the asteroid, so it would be very useful to be able to re-examine the images straight away.
