Asteroid Zoo Talk

Hello Asteroid Zoo - anyone there?

  • swbell by swbell

    Does anyone from Asteroid Zoo read these posts? There have been lots of questions posted, some from me, and lots of really good suggestions about improving the site. But no response at all from Asteroid Zoo!! Surely people who use this site every day should be respected and responded to?

    This site does give the feel of a "beta" type site, that has been put together to get going but has rough edges. I think Asteroid Zoo need to up their game else people will get fed up of the interfaces and go elsewhere.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    We are working to address the issues - there is a substantial difference in making a million images (which is about what AsteroidZoo has) versus the few thousand we had in the beta. Thank you for your time.


  • 7strain by 7strain

    good news there is a boss in the other side 😄
