Asteroid Zoo Talk

expected speed?

  • ponnuki by ponnuki

    What range of speeds would we expect asteroids to have, that is, what is the minimum and maximum amount of displacement that could be expected between two frames?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Good question. Don't think there will be an official minimum or maximum, but instead increasing unlikeliness as we go toward either extreme.

    For example, very little movement could be an asteroid very far away, but given the amount of time these photo's are taken in (30 second every 10 minutes on average) at some point it would be unlikely to detect something that faint that could produce such a small amount of movement.

    On the other end of the scale, large amount of movement would imply something closer to earth, so if it is not a known asteroid, at some point you are seeing more movement that is likely to be real for 30 seconds exposures taken 10 minutes apart.

    One way to get an idea would be to check out some of the asteroids with a #known or #known_asteroid tag in the discussions to see what type of movement known ones make.
