Asteroid Zoo Talk

repeated sets?

  • stonepenny by stonepenny

    is it just me, or are other people getting what appear to be the same sets over and over? There are certain distinct artefacts that catch the eye, like a mushroom shape that does the up/down/side/side... I know I've done that one at least twice! Then there's the black stripe with the black ball just underneath... anyone else?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    While this has happened in the past, you can verify whether it is happening again by first going to the 'Profile' link on the screen where you classify sets (not the Profile link above) and making note of the image name in the first of the 12 images that comes up. This will be the most recent image you have classified. Next click on the little circle in the upper right corner of that screen (between your name and a language selection). This will take you to a Zooniverse page telling you how many submissions you have made against various different projects. Make a note of how many you have submitted to AsteroidZoo

    Then proceed to classify several sets, preferably in chunks of 12. So say, for example, you have evaluated 12 new images. Now when you go back to 'Profile' you should see 12 new images on page one, and if you go to page 2, you should see the image whose name you made note of as the first image there. Then if you go to the zooniverse summary page, you should see the count of submission increased by 12. If you see the numbers you are expecting, you can additionally review the image names of all 12 images and verify there is no duplicate names.

    You can also verify that the count on the summary matches the number of images in your profile by calculating ((Pages on Profile - 1) * 12) + Images on Last Page).

    If there are issues, you will see either the count not increase as expected on the summary page, the number of new images in profile being less than expected, duplicate image names showing up in profile, or counts not matching between the two pages. I've done this exercise in the past and found no issues. This tells me that the common artifacts that I often see are more due to combinations of the same camera taking pictures, and those larger pictures being broken up into smaller sets with overlapping areas. This means I can in theory see variations of the same artifacts in multiple sets but not have the actual sets repeating.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    Thank you CTidwell3 - that is an excellent summary. If we catch the count not incrementing as it should, we need know as soon as we can.
