Asteroid Zoo Talk


  • lordhuck by lordhuck

    What is that circle?


  • scibuff by scibuff

    Could be many things - but most likely it is a glow which commonly accompanies diffraction spikes - see an example here >>>


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    in this case, it looks like the similar lens-reflection artifact. see here


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    The circle is called a ghost. Basically it's a VERY out of focus image of a star. The star image hits the detector, but some of the light will reflect - not much but a little. That light bounces back up to the window on the detector (which is not very reflective, but a little) and bounces back down to the detector. Every single star has one, but you need a really bright one to fill it out and see it against background.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    Is that particular name for the artifact based on the hashtag I used to classify it by, or did I serendipitously use the exact given term for what the artifact had previously been known by? I'm betting on the former. 😛


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Actually it is the latter. 😄


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    oh wow. xD
