Asteroid Zoo Talk

VERY CLUMSY marking interface

  • N5bz by N5bz

    Add this to my previous comments about needing hot keys:
    It took 3 different mouse clicks to mark just ONE object on ONE frame. Going back and forth between buttons (type of object), click on the object, click done.
    THEN do the same thing for the next object, etc, then do the whole thing again for the next frame.

    1. simpler: pick 3 keys to stand for asteroid; artifact; other -- say qwe (remember the choice unless another choice is made)
    2. do away with done. Just click to select. right click to cancel.
    3. when all objects on that slide are selected hit another key (d for example) for the next slide. Hit r to go back a slide. hit f when finished with this set.
      Much simpler to do on keyboard/mouse.
      Since I don't use a touch screen I don't have many suggestions for those but why not cut the strokes a bit by latching on to the marking mode until it is changed?


  • N5bz by N5bz

    WHY DOESN'T anyone with the project care enough to respond to questions like this?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Between the time a 2 months ago and today, you can fine a fair amount of the responses that have been made by checking out Dr. Asteroid's profile page.

    In addition, the number keys (1-4) do cycle through the frames while in the classification tool.

    Right clicking to cancel might be doeable, but i know i often misclick and end up moving where I mark my artifacts, so having to cancel then resubmit might be just as challenging. I'd suggest more of a button/hotkey to place and the placement it movable till you either press another button / hotkey, or you click done or cancel.

    So image you were on frame 1 with 2 artifacts in each frame. You could mouse over the first, hotkey artifact, move to second, hotkey artifact, press 2 for frame 2, mouse of artifact, hokey artifact, etc. till you are done at which point you click done. If you missed one, you could just repeat as needed.


  • dudrea by dudrea

    Alas Full of hope I've tried the method you suggest in the last paragraph (" You could mouse over the first, hotkey artifact, move to second, hotkey artifact, press 2 for frame 2, mouse of artifact, hokey artifact, etc")

    But it doesn't work 😦 Only the LAST mark is recorded. May be a future feature ?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    That method was only a proposed suggestion of how an interface could use hotkeys to work with fewer keystrokes and mouse clicks. Sorry if I was not clearer.


  • dudrea by dudrea

    Don't worry. Sorry for mis-undersanding English is not my usual language !


  • Meanjean4321 by Meanjean4321

    i would like to see less clicks. one click for asteroids with the marker a different color than the rest of the marks. also have it play as soon as we hit done instead of having to click it again.
