Asteroid Zoo Talk

Sudenly a lot of the same sets?

  • meegja by meegja

    Half an hour busy now and I got this set 4 times. How I know? There is a known asteroid hidden here (bottom left centre (22263) Pignedoli) which if not visible. And got it now 4 times, the same set. Plus other sets with artifacts I recognize from 5 minutes ago also multiple now in half an hour. I had duplicate sets before but there were days in between, not a lot the same sets in half an hour?


  • meegja by meegja

    5 minutes later and again this same set?? That's 5 times in 35 minutes now.


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Been happening to some other too:

    I'm guessing there was a limited initial set of data that they are starting this project out with to test out how this works with a larger group of users (past initial Beta tests). I've seen it happen in other zooniverse projects before when strange behavior starts to happen when a known collection reached its intended view limit and there are no additional / new images to review. It would not surprise me if it is something similar. The good news is we know there are is a really large data-set that needs reviewing, so it probably some unexpected bug.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    I was in charge of putting the data package together. It seems unlikely that we've run through the first batch. Mind you, we have MANY more images to go before we run out entirely. We're working on what's going on and will get back to you.


  • tashipoo by tashipoo in response to Dr.Asteroid's comment.

    I,m going through the same handful of sets - for a few days now. Sometimes the same set every third or fourth time. Thanks for everything.
