Asteroid Zoo Talk

2 objects - known and unknown?

  • JKD by JKD

    there are 2 objects #1 in the upper left corner #2 at position 8 o’clock
    which one is the already known one


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Only way to know would be on the summary screen then you clicked 'Finished'. I've had at least one image with two known asteroids and both were circled, so if the summary page only had one circled, the other one was unknown.

    At the moment, there is no way to go back to this summary, so hopefully one of the future improvements will be adding some indication / link on the chat pages to take you back to such a summary page. This would give both an official indication on each chat page as well as providing a way to go back and see what was on the summary page. Till then, we only have examples where users have added the known tag and left details in the comments.


  • JKD by JKD

    thanks for your valuable advice
    will have a closer look at the corresponding page
