Asteroid Zoo Talk

Potential Asteroid...

  • CalOs8 by CalOs8

    I think I just have discovered a potential asteroid (that is obvious which am able to see it moves) that move from left to right from a bright star toward next faint star in upper left of the image. Have anyone identify this is an asteroid? Please let me know. Thanks


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Looks like one to me. If it was a major known one (i.e. bright enough magnitude), it should have told you about it when you finished submitting the page. It may still be a known one of less magnitude, but it is still a good candidate. We have to wait for the asteroid zoo team to iron out exactly how our submissions will be verified and how they will notify us, which they are working on at the moment:


  • CalOs8 by CalOs8 in response to CTidwell3's comment.

    When I submitted this image frames, it did not inform me that this asteroid has been already identified. Which I assume, that it may have not identified yet because it is obvious an asteroid that move which we can see it easily. Will see how it goes with the result from Asteroid Zoo team.
