Asteroid Zoo Talk

strange question

  • hightower73 by hightower73

    I've had a couple of sets now, where ive seen stationary lights in the sets. they dont move and use all 3 detectors ( white on black, black on white and the cycle mode) and they dont seem to be anything more than stars, when i press finish they are known asteriods. If thats the case, how do i tell which are stars and stationary asteroids?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    If you could give an example or two, that would help. You can look back in your past sets if you happen to remember which ones they were by sight by going to the Profile option on the page where you do the classification (i.e., not the profile link above). It shows that last sets you classified there, 12 per page with the most recently submitted ones first.

    Without examples, I can say that I miss some known asteroids sometimes too. Sometimes they are very hard to notice and sometimes they really are not able to be seen because of the image quality. Since they are marked in sets not because of being seen, but because the sets location and time match where a known asteroid is supposed to be, this is entirely possible.


  • hightower73 by hightower73

    yes this is the latest set ive just come accross Image AAZ0000n0e the light in question is in the middle to the top half of the set, it doesnt move and is really hard to spot, see if you can see it please.


  • hightower73 by hightower73

    to give a clue, there are 4 bright lights in the top quarter of the screen, its one of those.


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Yeah, this is a good example of a set that because of alignment and exposure/contrast of frames 1 and 3, its almost impossible to see what I think the asteroid is. It's only because the position in space and time this set was taken are known that a known asteroid can even said to be in that spot.

    My best guess is this:

    Start in frame 2, about 1/3 from left side. Right at top is a star. Look about 1/8th the way down from there and there is another star. Underneath that star is a fuzzy white blob. I believe that is that asteroid. Now look at frame 4 (the only other frame you can sorta see easily). You can see it appears to have moved a bit to the left. Then, if you look at frames 1 and 3 (which are not aligned) and find that same star, I think I can see the asteroid in a slightly different position there too, but its really hard to tell.

    I know I probably would have just closed this one and not marked and asteroid. And that is not always a bad thing. It confirms that poor sets like these should be removed because they are often of little use.


  • hightower73 by hightower73

    yes i see that now, ive watched the help video in the help section, and found that really useful, so hopefully ill miss less of these. thanks for the help
