Asteroid Zoo Talk

Comet, asteroid, satellite or UFO??

  • martianelephant by martianelephant

    Position around 12 o'clock, 1/3 down from top of picture. Seems very unique to me. How do I tell if it is a comet or UFO?


  • djsimister by djsimister

    Could be you've found an #asteroid and, If no identity tag or label appeared after you hit the finished button, then it may also be an #unknown #asteroid


  • by

    Has this one been determined to be an asteroid? I'm trying to educate so I classify correctly. Thanks


  • AstroTinker by AstroTinker in response to's comment.

    There are no confirmed unknowns yet (this is what a lot of griping is about).
    However, this one does have the characteristics we are looking for in an asteroid: regular linear motion, even spacing, visible in at least 3 frames.


  • leonie_van_vliet by leonie_van_vliet

    First one to see this set; image AAZ000iIsx could this be an asteroid? Obviously moving in second quadrant in 3 frames...
    I really like to know if I got that lucky!

    Leonie... 😃


  • hightower73 by hightower73

    No they are artifacts, generally asteroids move in straight lines, they don't deviate from that line unless they hit something. Anything that follows the triangle pattern is almost certainly an image artifact.


  • hightower73 by hightower73

    As to the set in this conversation, I would mark the moving dot near the large star that's bleeding slightly as an asteroid. See how it moves in a straight line and does not deviate? Compare that to your image your asking about and there is a very clear difference. Hope you keep going though, you'll find one soon
