Asteroid Zoo Talk

FINALLY the best news have to read this......

  • hightower73 by hightower73

    After all this time, there has been a break through in this project, its been a long time coming but i can finally say without a doubt that this has to be an amazing momment,

    Its that momment in everyone's spotting carer that we finally get to that place where after all those hours of looking at dots....finding that wonderful moving dot and marking it, that time where you see nothing at all and you press that button and find your the first to see that new set and search in vain for that brand new asteroid.......

    And after that you see nothing so you press for yet another new set you sit there for hour upon hour.....

    and finally you reach that 10,000 classification milestone and you think YES !

    well, here is this wonderful and happy announcement........

    Ive now reached that 10,000 classifcations !


  • Barbalbero by Barbalbero

    I am happy for you for this milestone.
    I hope there will be good news about our classifications soon


  • hightower73 by hightower73 in response to Barbalbero's comment.

    I am hoping that as well, all I can do is wait for a while and maybe mail again.
