Asteroid Zoo Talk

Questions for Planetary

  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    Howdy! I'm glad you're all taking a look. I'm one of the Planetary Resources representatives and am here to answer questions about the science behind asteroidzoo.


  • amczesak by amczesak

    From another thread under the Help Board...

    "As a first-off question and introduction for this project, I would like to say that I am a planetary scientist (even my name says that) and am particularly interested in minor bodies (like asteroids and comets) and have been hoping for them to launch a project like this for longer than anyone would care to know. Although I've just begun looking through it, I have a couple of questions off the bat:

    First, who exactly will be credited for the discoveries of the discovered asteroids (and possibly comets) resulting from this project? Typically the CSS is credited, but since this is a citizen science project will it be any different?

    Second, what exactly are you looking to achieve from this project? Obviously it's looking for asteroids, but are you looking to get better observations on known asteroids, finding new ones, or perhaps something else?

    Third, what time are these images coming from? Are they from last week, or last year? Do they have a consistent time interval, or are they just coincidental images of the same area?

    Similar to #3, what is the 'limiting magnitude' of the images taken? As in the dimmest magnitude before an object is overwhelmed by static?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Much appreciated.



  • interplanetary by interplanetary scientist in response to amczesak's comment.

    Answered here:
