Asteroid Zoo Talk

Close-fast asteroid vs fast moving object like a satellite?

  • AstroTinker by AstroTinker

    How does the software mark the difference between a close-fast #asteroid vs a fast moving object( #fmo ), and how can we mark them? The streak in image 4 of this set has a length that is 1/11th the distance to the bottom border, so it is within the 1/20 range for the previous exposure to be in the frame below this set. It is about 1/14 the height of the image along it's path, or ~256/~14=~18 pixels/~30 sec=roughly 3/5 pixel/sec (sorry, I misplaced the pixel to arc-second conversion)... seems slow for a satellite or meteor, but not too fast for a closer asteroid. Since it showed in only one image, I marked top as asteroid, and the bottom as artifact. Obviously we A-zoo'ers do not have the visibility to mark one like this in different frame sets, yet the computer should be able to correlate them.


  • nicro46 by nicro46

    It seems to me simply an artifact, I remember having seen other very similar
