Asteroid Zoo Updates: Reporting Site
by pravk7 scientist, admin
Thank you so much for being patient with the science team. We totally understand your frustration of being in the dark on our progress so far. Folks on the science team have not forgotten about the community; our schedules have been fairly packed and often times engaging with folks in the community gets prioritized below the work on improving the detection pipeline; hopefully you will understand this.We want to share a reporting site that we've begun to use. note that it's very much a work in progress. Our apologies for the "hacky-ness" of the site.
The main page lists all the telescopic observation sets and links to results. The results pages have some stats, and graphs of click clusters, and “Good Vector” (trajectories) found by our algorithm
Please consider every object reported on this as “an Asteroid Candidate” and not an official detection — these haven’t been officially vetted by the Minor Planet Center. Our top priority is to have the pipeline automatically make submissions to the Minor Planet Center for official confirmation.
The site will be updated periodically. We will also have additions to it like
Zoomed-in images of the objects that people have clicked on (for visual reconfirmation).
The list of first users to find a given object.
Status of submission to MPC
More science frames analyzed.
There may yet be bugs on the site and/or the detection algorithm. We will continue to refine these, so please note that the results might change as this happens.
We’re happy to answer any questions you have.
by AstroTinker
Thanks for the link pr,
but I'm getting the following error:Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Is it down? (around 2250 CDT)
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks very much for the information. It is nice to have some news.
I had a quick look at the wesbite, I will look at it more carefully later on. Just one small question for now: as you wrote and I could see in the linl of the images, the first users )If I remember well in the website I saw the first three) to find an object will be reported. Will be only these people recognized of the possible new discovery or all the people who marked the object?
One small advice for the website: when we will have the confirmations of discoveries made thanks to the images studied by people involved in Asteroid Hunters, maybe it will be nice to make a list of all people who gave a significant contribution in those discoveries with their marks and their comments, What do you think?Posted
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to AstroTinker's comment.
Hey AstroTinker -- can you try using incognito mode, or chrome? One thing to note is that the site doesn't have an ssl certificate, so some browsers may not like that. Another thing to try is to explicitly type "http://", sometimes browsers will try to open the site using https://
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to Barbalbero's comment.
Hey Barbalbero -- posting the first 3 users was simply a space consideration for the table. 😃
I think the main Zooniverse folks might best be able to answer your questions regarding recognition; I'm not familiar with official policy. The science team works with anonymized user ids. We will obviously produce all the stats regarding participation and contributions per user, as the pipeline matures.
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks for the info!!!
by hightower73 in response to pravk7's comment.
Hello Pravk,
Many thanks for getting back to us, however i dont understand something and would appectate an easy to understand answer please.......
I understand some of the stuff on the website, but not all of it, but the main thing im most concerned with is this, whats happened to our work? for all the work we have done, there seems very little on the site.
some of the links have 800 or 900 clicks for what seems like 1 asteroid, i didnt know there were 900 people working on this project.
If there were 900 people working on this project, where in deed are they and also where is their work ?
sorry but there isnt that much on the site for me to be excited names, not "officially submitted yet" it seems as though this is yet another little bit crumb supposed to get us excited and yet again no results, no submissions nothing.
how much more of this are we going to be fed please???
by Barbalbero in response to hightower73's comment.
I think and hope shortly we will have more details on the website.
I am not so surprised of the number of the click, do not think 900 is a relatively huge number. This project I am sure is known worldwide so it is not so difficult to find 900 people interested in asteroids.
In the comment of pravk7's there was written that periodically the website will be update with more information about the images we studied, also with the status of the submissions to the MPC, we can just check what it is going on on the website and if something is still unclear we can always use this Board to ask for information as we have done in these days.Posted
by hightower73 in response to Barbalbero's comment.
yes fair point, in that case 900 isnt that many, how do we know which ones have been submitted? to me the site is nothing more than a results page or an algorytham search, not our work? or am i being a total noob and not understanding any of this and shooting my mouth off without knowing the facts?????
by Barbalbero in response to hightower73's comment.
Let us wait to have more info in the webpage as promised. It is the only thing we can do! At least now we have some more info, of course we all wait to have confirmations of our work and we still do not have it but at least we had some more news about what we did
by Ozzy1313
Just my two cents:
The enjoyment I get from looking for asteroids doesn't really require any feedback for me to continue doing this (although it would be an added bonus).
I figure I'm helping to find any "nasty" NEOs that are out there, as well as finding potential resources for future travel by human beings within our solar system. That's enough for me, but I'm probably the odd person out on this.
by sisifolibre
I agree in part with Ozzy. I think they are doing a lot of work to give us tools that we could not have it any other way ( not so easy at last) and I feel grateful for it. If our work was not useful they would not also work to give us this tools. It is necessary to remember that the money that one usually destines to investigation is very little (much less to something so Utopian as the citizen science) and i'm sure that this is developing with very few people and resoruces. We have to be patients.
Perhaps we might complain it is of not knowing that in the moment to open Asteroid Zoo this project it was so in blossomings. But this also is a subjective opinion and its sure that would have his motives, perhaps to see as the community was working really and if the project was viable.
Anyway on the other hand I am in accordance with that the volunteers we need a little of feedback so that the intentions do not droop and to know that the project is still alive. If also we can go so far as to know that our work goes so far as to serve as something, be in the shape of article or scientific information, this yes that it gives intentions and then the project will be a big success, and a lot more people will come to help.
Having said that , the page looks good and promises much for the future. Good luck and good work @pravk7, thanks for your work. I hope we have more news soon 😃
PD.sorry for my english
by pravk7 scientist, admin
Looks like a whole bunch of folks hit the site, and it went down 😃
(we obviously didn't setup it for larger scale traffic)I've upgraded the server and relaunched the site. Hopefully this one will stay up.
sorry for the interruption...
by trouille
Hi all,
Thanks @pravk7!
Yes, the Zooniverse team will convert those user IDs into Zooniverse IDs. I'd like to wait until these are deemed confirmed detections to task developer time to this (and instead continue to focus developer time on improving Zooniverse project interfaces).
Speaking of that second phase of the process (confirming new detections) -- we're back in conversation with the Minor Planet Center to work out the details of vetting these candidates and identifying true new detections. Thankfully for scientific rigor the MPC is very thorough in their vetting. As a result, this second phase of the process can take time. We really appreciate your patience.
BTW - this is Dr. Laura Trouille - I'm the new Director of Citizen Science at the Adler Planetarium and co-lead of Zooniverse. Thank you all for leading this amazing adventure with us and contributing your time, thoughts, and energy. Zooniverse is possible because of all of you. Thank you.
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
I could open the link with the website until few hours ago, now it is not possible. Are there still problems?Posted
by djsimister
I am also having problems accessing this site. No matter how / what I try it just wont open and displays the same message (Chrome) = this website is unavailable err_connection_timed_out
Any ideas or assistance ?
by trouille
I've sent a direct email to @pravk7 to let him know. We'll find a more stable solution for sharing the site. My sincere apologies for the interruptions.
by Barbalbero in response to trouille's comment.
Thanks for the help!
The website seems to have a strange behavior, sometimes I can open it, sometimes not, maybe it can be a problem of too much connectionsPosted
by sisifolibre
Thanks @trouille for the support. I have some questions, if you were so kind to help me...
- I assume that these sets are removed and can no longer make new searches in them, but: We could see them yet? how?.
- The "new candidates" will be send automatically? I see some frame set whose results seem to me completely wrong. For example :
- Previously seen "good clusters" does it refer to already well-known asteroids? or that have been seen previously in other sets?
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to sisifolibre's comment.
Hi sisifolibre
We are aiming to have the images posted on the website, with candidates marked. This will hopefully allow for visual reconfirmation.
That's a brilliant catch. I saw that giant clump of clusters a couple of days ago. What you're seeing is contamination from some sort robot (web crawler or script), or a really determined individual. Whatever it was, someone or something basically clicked on every single point on an image. 😃 This totally fooled the detection algorithm and it basically marked every combination of lined up points as a trajectory. This is a demonstration of the fact that the algorithm is far from perfect. There may yet be several weird things going on with the data. I'm working on a fix which might be able to filter out such cases.
Btw, submissions are not yet automated. The data as of today are likely to be rejected by the MPC. We are going to vet and refine these further, before submission. We are in talks with them to get there faster. -
Previously seen means --> the Catalina Survey's algorithm had already marked this object, on this image, and it was probably submitted to the Minor planet center at a previous time. Remember, this data set is an archival set, which means it has already been scrutinized by astronomers and their algorithms. Yet, what we see is that zoo users are able to find many instances that were missed previously. Good job users!
by sisifolibre
Ok, luck and courage with this algorithm, i hope that soon you could have it refined and the MPC could accept our candidates. Thank you very much for the attention.
by MvGulik
Would in not be a general beneficial to
strikethe bad link in the first post of this topic, and add the current working link below it ?Posted
by MvGulik
While seeing that "First3Users" field. I do wonder if that's not something that might backfire in some way. (Human nature and such.)(just a initial thought bubbling to the surface)
by DZM admin in response to pravk7's comment.
Just wanted to say, thanks so much for stopping by to post, @pravk7 -- I know that everyone here really appreciates it!!
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to MvGulik's comment.
@MvGulik -- thanks for suggesting this. I've changed the link in the original post. The old url is now gone.
by rigel9
Hi, I am getting this in my browser and I have tried http:// infront.
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to on Google:Google Search
Google Chrome Help
Why am I seeing this page?Posted
by merkosh
Had a look at the new linked site ... two things to mention by now:
- I see no link between the image set ID in Talk and the ID at the reporting site ... that would be important if I want to look at a result of my favourites ...
- The data seems to be somewhat outdated ... the site states Sep 10 for last update.
BTW I see not problem in mentioning the first observing users ... I wonder if the first observers would be mentioned in the papers about those respective objects ?
by MvGulik in response to merkosh's comment.
(merkosh) The data seems to be somewhat outdated
Its not yet intended to be user-result up-to-date. Its currently being developed/tested, and the processed user-results are there as examples.
(pravk7) Please note that it's very much a work in progress.
by MvGulik
On the Human nature part. I think "first observing users" should only show its data after there are, at least, more than N>3 user hits on a given potential asteroid. Just to make sure there is no potential incentive to spam the classifying page to find a particular image-id match.
by merkosh
Its not yet intended to be user-result up-to-date
No problem ... would just be nice to include updated data every now and then ... but not a must if it slows down development too much.
On the Human nature part. (...)
Sure ... that makes sense.
Just for further improving the site for the hunting idividuals, I'd suggest some more statistcs for the user.
Just hunting the 'roids grows a little bit boring w/o feedback. So a link list of image sets wher I have marked asteroids would be nice, and a mark on the 'roid candidates I've marked, would be nice too. Besides of the "Play" option on the Talk page I'd appreciate "cycle" there, too.
I know you're struggling with getting the basic features to run smooth, so these things are not demanded for now ... but keep 'em in mind.
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to rigel9's comment.
@rigel9 -- hey, looking at the logs, the site hasn't really gone down over the past few weeks. Seems stable. If the site does go down, check back after 3-4 minutes, there is an auto recovery process in place that relaunches the site when it isn't running.
The other issue could be your ISP. Some ISPs block sites that don't have a signed certificate (which this one doesn't). For example, I can't access the site from my workplace internet -- we have some pretty heavy restrictions. It might work from your home connection.
I hope this helps.
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to merkosh's comment.
I see no link between the image set ID in Talk and the ID at the reporting site ... that would be important if I want to look at a result of my favourites ...
Hmmm, this is an interesting idea for a feature. The science team mostly works with the original science frames, which are huge 4096x4096 raw frames. The reference images on asteroidzoo are small subsections of these. So each science frame has hundreds of these sub-images. We could map the two, but the data set is enormous and might be a challenge. I'll keep this idea on the backburner.
BTW I see not problem in mentioning the first observing users ... I wonder if the first observers would be mentioned in the papers about those respective objects ?
About users being mentioned in papers: entirely a question for the zooniverse folks. I'm not well-versed with the official procedure on this matter.
by pravk7 scientist, admin
Just a general update -- we're running, and refining the results on the entire data set. Official submissions will be happening quite soon.
Thank you, and Cheers! 😃
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks for the information!
I wish there will be other good news soonPosted
by MvGulik in response to pravk7's comment.
pravk7: Official submissions will be happening quite soon.
Nice. 😃
Ps (potential minor/trivial ambiguity on the image-set data page):
If "Good Vectors"(data-lines above plot-images) and "Good Clusters" (legend below plot-images) are both indications for the same thing, its probably better to also name both the same.
("Good Clusters" seems more in line with the already used "Clusters per Frame")
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to MvGulik's comment.
If "Good Vectors"(data-lines above plot-images) and "Good Clusters" (legend below plot-images) are both indications for the same thing, its probably better to also name both the same.
("Good Clusters" seems more in line with the already used "Clusters per Frame")
by DZM admin
Thanks for the regular updates, @pravk7 !!!
I know that everyone here REALLY appreciates it. 😃
by Barbalbero in response to DZM's comment.
Yes, it nice nice to have some more news more frequently, it will be fantastic when we will receive information regarding our discoveries!
by MvGulik
Additional observations:
On the main Azoo-updata page, the main update date is still dated Oct 06, while some Last-Analysis-Date's pages are already at Oct 07. (current date: Oct 11)
On the data pages, the RA(deg) plot axes seems to be reversed/flipped in relation to how astronomical images are displayed.
RA coordinates in plots: On some pages the coordinate are so close to each other that they visually merge into a single number line. (for example in 01_12DEC12_N60022, In the case of 01_12DEC12_N60020 there even overlapping, but that seems to be related to some number conversion hickup.)
by Barbalbero
Good Morning to everybody!
Are there other news? I wish the first confirmation of our results will be soon availablePosted
by MvGulik in response to pravk7's comment.
Ping ... Everything ok on the other side ?
As of, I think Saturday morning (~UTC), the update page is not accessible anymore. (Browser keeps waiting for data, but no data is ever transferred. No apparent error is triggered either.)
by Barbalbero in response to MvGulik's comment.
I also have some problems with the website, I wish it is because there is an upgrade with some relevant news!!!
by hightower73
me wife is getting tired of the plastic mouse scraping accross the wooden desk sound as i go left and right scanning for asteroids and having nothing to show for it lol
by DZM admin
Can't offer you anything myself, but I'll check back in a week to see if @pravk7 has anything; if not, I'll shoot 'em an email. 😃
by MvGulik in response to DZM's comment.
by djsimister
This site is still not accessible!
Yet again just another sorry episode of the same negative constant that appears totally unique & exclusive to our asteroid zoo site. It doesn't happen on any other galaxy zoo project sites were as. any snags or system failures are sorted within a day or two. So why is asteroid zoo consistently failing in its service delivery???? This latest farce is just the latest in a long history of negative frustrating failures. Personally I'm fed up trying to access this amazon site 2-3 times a day since it went off line. Its all very silly again. and as per usual we fools get to suffer the same old frustrations.Posted
by hightower73 in response to djsimister's comment.
yup i have to agree, i really thought we had got somewhere last time when we suddenly had 3 people giving us info, and yes again, after 3 weeks, nothing, even dmz has been gone for over a week and left to our own devices, its such a shame.
shall i try messaging the people i messaged last time and if i can get a reply?
by hightower73
ok i have emailed darren mcroy again in the hope that he will mail the sceince team for an update.
by MvGulik
Lets hope for some good news.
I thought of sending a PM to DZM last Monday, but decide not to. ... Personal, and somewhat cynical, reasons.
Digging a bit into Azoo's history, it seems to me Azoo's conception was a bit of forced marriage (Stretch Goal #3). With parents that only planned and executed the conception. But that went there own way after its birth, both probably expecting that the other party would take care of any future needs. 😃Posted
by djsimister
@hightower73 & MvGulik
Thank you guys. Your replies, follow ups & supportive comments are always welcome. One thing for sure, They're Probably the only positive aspect on this site which is guaranteed to be consistent and true to word always.
My own personal humorous analogy........however, this is what it feels like!
by hightower73 in response to djsimister's comment.
lol i wonder which one we are lol
by hightower73 in response to MvGulik's comment.
hmmmm have you got that article please mvgulik? would make some interesting reading
by pravk7 scientist, admin
Hello all,
Just heard back from the MPC today about the first set of trial submissions.
Unfortunately the data still does not seem to meet their criteria for accurate detections. We're going to have to hit the books (our code) again on improving accuracy.
Sorry folks, but this is a hard problem to solve given our resources. The fact is, the Azoo science team doesn't own the entire process -- especially the crucial part of making a call on whether something is a detection vs. non-detection. I understand this makes the experience slow and tedious. Ultimately we're dependent on the Minor Planet Center to make the official call, till then all we have are asteroid candidates (as reported on our site).
Back to making improvements.
P.S: the site has been up most of the time. The logs do not show any new down times. The only issue I can think of is your ISP blocking the site due to lack of a certificate. We'll try to fix that.
by hightower73 in response to pravk7's comment.
ok so given your limited resources, what resources do you need to help get this problem sorted??? is it programmers? server time? if we knew what was needed maybe some of us could help and solve the problems and get some of the problems ironed out.
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to hightower73's comment.
Hey hightower73,
The resource is basically time. This is a somewhat novel problem: A giant data set, noisy click data, and challenges to automating the analysis.
We just need to spend more time iterating and improving our system until the desired result is achieved. We often don't know the flaws in our system until we try it out, fail, learn from the shortcomings, improve it, and go through the process over and over till the outcomes are ideal.
Adding more hands to the science team to tackle the various parts of the project has been considered; but not sure if this will happen. I'm personally confident that some good results will come from the data. I just can't say when that may happen.
The silver-lining is that the MPC has provided us data on the inaccuracies from our submission data set. Hopefully this will provide some clues as to where we can improve for the next submission.
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks for the new information.
Sorry if I write something which can appear stupid. The Catalina Sky Survey already discovered many asteroids, and their discoveries were confirmed by the MPC. So I suppose the MPC received information with good accuracy in order to confirm these new observations. The main thing I do not understand is how it is possible that in the past everything went well for he submissions to the MPC and now it seems so difficult to reach the accuracy requested by the MPC. How was reached the requested accuracy for all the discoveries made by the CSS? As stated by some hunters, if it will be possible to know all the exact details maybe someone can help the Team to solve the problems with the submission, at least it is possible to ask if someone between the hunters is able to give hints on how to improve the quality of the submissions.Posted
by hightower73 in response to Barbalbero's comment.
Barbalbero my thoughts exactly, i know several web sites that you can hire coders that work on programes that could maybe help with coding/analysis ect that maybe a few of the hunters could help raise funds to support the solving of these problems? I have no idea how much or what we would need to do, but if the algrytham is the problem, maybe a fresh set of eyes maybe of some use that could spot a small problem and solve it in a short space of time.
indded there maybe some hunters on here that read the boards is a programmer that could also do the same job or indeed write a small programme that could help refine the results. yes i know the team want to do it themselves and i understand why, but for the sake of the results and all our work, is the cost equal to our discoveries?
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to Barbalbero's comment.
Hey Barbalbero,
The CSS effort was (and is) a collaboration of a much larger scope. It has been active for a while (since the late 90s), and has enjoyed attention from a full team of professional astronomers, telescope operators, graduate students and post-doctoral scholars. Typically detection, classifications and verification has been a very manual, hands-on process that takes place over months and maybe even years.
Azoo, has made a lot of the process easier, especially the detection part. But determining trajectories (asteroid paths), astrometry (accurate sky positions) are the bits we're working on. It is totally reasonable for a graduate student or two, over the years, to manually refine these estimates when dealing with a dozen or so detections at a time, but it's crazy to expect that to happen with the number of potential candidates being churned out on Azoo.
So yes, you're absolutely right CSS has achieved great success at getting accurate asteroid trajectories, but it took quite some man-hours and scientific effort to get there.
Azoo has pretty much solved the part about detecting objects with crowdsourcing -- thanks to all the hard work from users of this site. Now the rest is refining what's been found to a level of accuracy that satisfies the minor planet center's orbit determination systems. (Most importantly we have to figure out how to do this automatically).
I hope that helps clarify.
by pravk7 scientist, admin in response to Barbalbero's comment.
To all,
I'm going to refocus much of my time over the coming weeks on the data pipeline in order to improve the accuracy of our submissions. There are going to be fewer updates to the reporting site, and I will not be very active on this forum for some time.
I promise to make a post as soon as there are new developments.
Till then, Cheers!
by MvGulik in response to hightower73's comment.
That thought of mine was not based on a particular article by someone else. But on the fact that Azoo was a stretch goal
in the ARKYD kickstarter projects by Planetary Resources.06-30-2013 — Stretch Goal #3 Reached: We will now team with Zooniverse to develop a platform that will allow YOU to find asteroids at home, and help train computers to better find them in the future!
Some other Asteroid hunt page (Azoo's predecessor perhaps) can be found at Asterank. Which also had some interest from the Planetary Resources group. ... "Asterank was acquired by Planetary Resources in May 2013."
(Apart from that asteroid discovery page, Asterank is still a nice asteroid related site.)Posted
by MvGulik in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks for the information.
And good luck with that accuracy problem.The logs do not show any new down times. The only issue I can think of is your ISP blocking the site due to lack of a certificate. We'll try to fix that.
I question the intentional blocking reason due to lack of a certificate (ISP or used browser). Blocking action would generally trigger a relative fast failure message to the user. Thought of a ISP-DNS routing issue, but that to would generally trigger a relative fast failure message. ... But I draw a blank on any possible alternative reasons.
Unfortunately there was no post from a user reporting that he still could access the update page.Confirming update-page's are accessible again from my end.
by Barbalbero in response to pravk7's comment.
Thanks for the explanation!
by pravk7 scientist, admin
On the issue of the site not loading for some users. We checked with some IT folks and they think it's because we were running the server on the wrong port -- which is causing certain ISPs to block it.
We've fixed this. Please try the following link: remove the :9999 part from the original link.
by hightower73
this works for me, seems the problem is fixed as i couldnt load it before, thank you
by N5bz
Problems (new, since my last visit) with the site:
- CCO Cycle gives a white screen, no images
- 4 up has the wrong data in the upper left quadrant of the upper left picture.
It shows a portion of the original image there rather than the 1/4 size image.
I'll be glad to upload screen captures of the area or e-mail them if you give me somewhere to send them.
by MvGulik in response to N5bz's comment.
For general Azoo issues it seems more appropriate to: Not posting/dumping those in a topic dedicated to the Azoo Update-page, but in a new Help topic.
by N5bz
The title 'Reporting Site' and the fact that several posts seem to be reporting and discussing problems with the site made it seem to be the appropriate place to 'Report a Site Problem'.
I am sorry If I posted inappropriately. Perhaps the purposes of the topics should be more clearly explained.
by MvGulik
1)😦 (embedded old / obsolete url)
2) Suggest giving a try for monitoring purposes.Posted
by djsimister in response to pravk7's comment.
Still cant access this site.
Any updates or progress on this?
by MvGulik in response to djsimister's comment.
It was back to working order some days after that post of mine. But yea,
it seems to be down and out again for me and that ' downforeveryoneorjustme' page to.@pravk7: I promise to make a post as soon as there are new developments.
(pravk7 post on previous page)Posted
by pravk7 scientist, admin
We have been experiencing downtime recently.
New URL here: (also updated in OP)
@MvGulik -- thanks for you post, we investigated and found another bug with the site.
by MvGulik
Heads up Azoo'ers ... URL has changed.
To a more final address by the looks of it.And currently (December 16 2015) back to working order.
December 31 2015: Back to infinite-loading mode again. ... Stubborn little critter.
January 15 2016: Back online (2015 version). ... (Hope pravk7 wil bump topic ...)Posted
by hightower73
@pravk7 any news?
by TapanNatt
Hello scientists!
I would like to know what is your opinion on this is site?Posted
by MvGulik
If with "site" you mean the Azoo site in general, I suggest moving* your question to its own Talk topic. As this topic is kinda dedicated to a particular Azoo-update in progress (which might seriously limit potential replies on your question.).
*) As in Deleting** you post here, and re-posting your question in a new Talk-topic.
**) In which case I also will delete this post.Posted
by MvGulik in response to pravk7's comment.
@pravk7: Any news?
Your last post just passed the 1 month mark. Which I think is a general good time-period to show to the general Azoo-user-community that at least one Azoo-team member is still alive. Preferably by posting some general progress update of course.
I also like to remind the whole Azoo team that pets like patient's and understanding don't endure on promises alone. And yes, they have a tendency to bite the hand that fed them ... when there starving.
by djsimister in response to MvGulik's comment.
@MvGulik & @pravk7
Yes.... me too and who ever else is / has been ridiculously patient in waiting for and in need of an update, I'm speaking on behalf of all those who still continue to support the project. Should we even be asking? Also. once again, the very seriously problematic reporting site: is still off limits. The end of November was the last time i was allowed / able to gain access despite my continuing almost daily efforts.
Please give this community it's update.
Thank youPosted
by Kishu
Unfortunately for me too this link is not working, keeps on loading with a blank screen.