Asteroid Zoo Talk

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)

  • MvGulik by MvGulik

    Did not see any other topic about this telescope project. Lets fix that.
    lsst logo

    The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, or LSST for short, will be a next generation telescope. Especial when it comes to asteroid hunting/detection.

    It will probably break some records on its way to completion. For starters with its 3200 megapixel camera. Yes 3.2 Giga-Pixel. (189 x 16-megapixel chips). The data amount its going to generate might probably be a other one ... although the LHC seems hard to beat (not checked). Its completion date is currently set for 2022. ... So active Azoo'ers don't have to worry ... Yet. 😉


  • cbellh47 by cbellh47

    looking forward to being overwhelmed with MPECs


  • MvGulik by MvGulik

    LSST being mentioned in an article about Zooniverse crowdsourcing platform.

    [Build it yourself] ... Looking ahead to larger volumes of data being collected at faster rates, the Zooniverse team is focusing on machine learning. Even with crowdsourcing, humans won’t be able to handle the data from, for example, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which every night will generate terabytes of data and send several billion alerts to other telescopes for follow-up observations.

    Source: Scitation:Physics Today: Crowdsourcing platform gets results (Jan 2016)
    Picked up from Zooniverse-Talk

    Other LSST related stuff:
