Asteroid Zoo Talk

Multiple Objects...

  • irina_wh by irina_wh

    In the very first set I got (before I had signed up to the site, so I couldn't post it for everyone to see), there were three objects going through linear motion... according to the guide, all three were potentially asteroids. But I could only mark one of them per frame... so I opted to mark one of the objects per frame. Not sure if this will end up in an error since the three objects were far apart from each other...

    Any thoughts?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Not sure what the problem is. You can mark a potential asteroid across the four frames. And then proceed in the same way for any other asteroids present. You must first complete one asteroid before marking a second (or third)


  • irina_wh by irina_wh

    I see ... thank you.
