Asteroid Zoo Talk

A grid would be nice

  • Devilstower by Devilstower

    How about allowing us to toggle on and off a nice (thin, translucent lines) grid over the image? This would definitely help me in searching an image and making sure I'd scanned the whole view. Perhaps 5 by 5?


  • meegja by meegja

    Totally agreed.


  • Devilstower by Devilstower

    Thinking about this again and how useful it would be. It would be great to be able to flip the grid on and off when scanning the image to be sure of getting complete coverage. It would also be helpful when describing the location of potential asteroids, since we could say something like "in A3" rather than "in the upper half of the picture a little to the right of that fuzzy pair."

    Not to be too forward, but I'd suggest putting a grid on/off toggle where Reset is now, and moving Reset below the Asteroid, Artifact, Nothing selection, separated by a line. Reset seems a bit lost on the left side in any case.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    Thanks for thinking of improvements - we're working on what makes the most sense. We're getting a lot of comments that ways of locating objects in the discussion in a more practical way. It's something we're working on.
