Asteroid Zoo Talk

Several, then nothing?

  • Johnny-O by Johnny-O

    I've noticed that I seemed to see alot of known objects when I first started viewing and several apparently unknown objects. But now, absolutely nothing in the last 100 subjects. That, and the frequency of being the "first to view these images has decreased too. Any idea what is happening? Have they loaded a ton more images? If so, then I'd still expect to see the "first to view images" message even occaisionally.


  • Devilstower by Devilstower

    I've had a similar experience. At first around 5% of the images I viewed contained either known asteroids or objects that were easily identified as such. However, out of the last several hundred, I've seen the known message pop up exactly once (on an image so degraded by artifacts that I don't feel bad about missing it) and haven't seen anything clearly identifiable as an asteroid.

    It has me seeing patterns in the noise.


  • Johnny-O by Johnny-O

    ...and then Bam! You miss one that shows up as a known with a green circle.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    The distribution is not even - while at least half the sets (on average) should have something... it's like playing dice. Sometimes you win a lot and sometimes they just never quite work out.


  • Dr.Asteroid by Dr.Asteroid scientist, admin

    4 images to a set.
