Asteroid Zoo Talk

Non-Square Images

  • hjd_uk by hjd_uk

    Hi, a number of sets have images that are not square / do not line up in the viewer when using the frame-by-frame mode, the Cycle mode seems to automatically place the non-square image at the top of the viewing area which works ( keeping the stars aligned ), but the frame-by-frame mode places the non-square image in the centre of the viewing area, causing the stars to lose alignment ( and be very visually jarring for user ). If the frame-by-frame placed the iamges at the top as well it would help a lot.
    For example: Frame 2 is non-square
    In the normal viewer, frame 2 is in the centre of the box causing a jump.


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    This is one of the bugs in the classification tool that they will hopefully fix eventually. Till then, I've been using the misaligned tag in chat to tag image sets like these. Just like you mentioned, it displays correctly in chat and in cycle mode -- just in the regular mode where you have to classify things are the images not correctly aligned due to the incorrect centering of the images.
